Child Protection Policy
Keynsham Light Opera Group (KLOG) recognises its duty of care for children under relevant legislation and is committed to protecting children from harm, and to raising awareness of child protection issues.
KLOG considers that:
- the welfare of the child is paramount;
- all children have the right to protection from abuse;
- all suspicions and allegations of abuse should be treated seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately; and
- all members of KLOG should be clear about KLOGs policy.
KLOG members will:
- be made aware of this policy;
- be aware of specific safeguarding issues:
- Child Sexual Exploitation
- Bullying, including cyber bullying
- Domestic Violence
- Drugs;
- Criminal Exploitation;
- treat all children equally and with respect and dignity;
- put each child’s welfare first;
- build a relationship with children based on mutual trust;
- give constructive and enthusiastic feedback, rather than negative criticism;
- not tolerate bullying;
- stop inappropriate verbal or physical behaviour;
- consider health and safety issues in all that we do;
- ensure all members are aware of signs and symptoms of abuse; know the correct procedure for referring concerns or allegations against members.
- ensure all members understand their responsibilities in being alert to the signs of abuse and responsibility for referring any concerns to the designated person responsible for child protection (the Lead).
Key Legislation
Children (Performances and Activities) (England) Regulations 2014. Across the UK, the law states that children who are taking part in a performance and who are not being supervised by their parent, school teacher or home tutor, must be supervised by a chaperone. The key legislation in each nation outlines the responsibilities of chaperones.
Children involved in a KLOGs production:
- the child’s needs are paramount, and the needs and wishes of each child should be put first, so that every child receives the support they need before a problem escalates;
- all members who come into contact with children and families are alert to their needs and any risks of harm that individual abusers, or potential abusers, may pose to children;
- all members share appropriate information in a timely way and discuss any concerns about an individual child with the Lead and local authority children’s social care;
- KLOGS recognises it is an agent of referral and not of investigation;
- KLOGS recognises that many of the risks to young people in the 'real world' apply equally to the 'virtual world' that young people encounter when they use Information Communication Technology (ICT) in its various forms. KLOG takes seriously its responsibility to protect children when using technology and will take necessary steps to ensure that children are made aware of the risks of the internet and social media.
KLOG will allocate lead responsibility for child protection to a named member of the Committee (the “Lead”), who will ensure that this policy is applied and updated as appropriate.
The KLOG committee will review this policy at appropriate intervals, at least every year, to ensure that it remains accurate and fit for purpose.
Roles and responsibilities where children will be involved in a production
The KLOG Committee will:
- undertake an initial risk assessment, and review its application and suitability throughout the production process;
- ensure that a Committee member (or nominated Group member) is clearly identified as the Lead and is given appropriate vetting (normally a DBS or an enhanced DBS check) and training;
- support the Lead in implementing this Policy;
- ensure that all members are made aware of who the Lead is;
- ensure that children are signed in and out of rehearsals and performances, and that they are collected by the appropriate adult;
- ensure that, upon being notified (whether by the Lead or otherwise) of a child protection issue, the matter is fully investigated and that any appropriate action to protect children is taken immediately;
- maintain appropriate records of any notifications, investigations and actions;
- maintain records and personal data in a secure manner and retain personal data for no longer than is necessary;
- ensure that a first-aid kit and accident log book is present at all rehearsals and performances;
- ensure that children and parents/guardians/carers are informed of basic health and safety ground rules, inappropriate clothing/footwear and conduct etc.;
- ensure that obvious physical injuries to any child are recorded in the accident log book when first noticed, so that it is clear that the injury did not arise during the child’s participation in KLOG activities; and
- ensure that prior, informed consent is obtained from parents/guardians/carers for the making, storage and use of photographs and/or video recordings of children, particularly where any recordings are to be used for promotional purposes.
The Lead will, with the support of the Committee:
- maintain a full and up-to-date record of children’s details, parents’ contact details and any other relevant information, and ensure that this is available at rehearsals and performances;
- obtain relevant prior permissions from parents/guardians/carers;
- ensure that, subject to the requirements of this Policy, confidentiality of any personal data is maintained;
- recruit and, as appropriate, vet chaperones (normally by DBS check);
- Coordinate all action regarding safeguarding and child protection concerns;
- ensure that children are supervised at all times and during performances only by chaperones or the child’s own parent;
- be the first point of contact for chaperones and members with any safeguarding concerns, including any concerns raised about the Lead;
- oversee the appropriate sharing of information about children and/or members, particularly regarding any child protection concerns, with the local authority children’s social care;
- report any concerns about child protection matters (whether that concern relates to a child’s welfare within KLOG or more generally) to the local authority children’s social care or police, as appropriate;
- ensure that members and children are aware of KLOG’s policy;
- ensure that members are aware of the key legislation;
- be the first point of contact for parents/guardians/carers about child protection matters;
- ensure that, where necessary, other agencies are involved, such as the police, local authority children’s social care, parents/guardians/carers etc.;
- arrange appropriate child protection training for the Committee and members;
- appoint a deputy to undertake the role of the Lead in their absence.
Procedures for Referral:
Call our Children’s Social Work Services on 01225 39 61 11 or 01225 47 79 29 (weekdays, 8.30am to 5pm, Fridays 8:30- 4.30pm)
Dropping into Council Connect at Keynsham One Stop Shop, Market Walk, Keynsham, BS31 1FS and ask for the Duty Children’s Social Worker If outside of office hours please call the Emergency Duty Team on 01454 615165 If a child or young person is in immediate danger then please dial 999 and ask for police assistance. For more information please visit: Bathnes Child Protection or BCSSP
Appendix A - Signs and Types of Abuse
(Taken from the NSPCC Website – October 2023)
Signs of abuse:
- withdrawal from friends or usual activities;
- changes in behavior – such as aggression, anger, hostility or hyperactivity;
- changes in school performance;
- unexplained injuries;
- changes in mood – such as depression, anxiety or unusual fears;
- sleep disturbances;
- bedwetting;
- nightmares;
- soiling clothes;
- regressive behavior – such as thumb-sucking;
- fear of a particular person or family member;
- communicating through words, play or drawing inappropriate knowledge of sex;
- pregnancy, particularly under the age of 16;
- self-harm or mutilation;
- running away from home; and
- changes in eating habits.
Types of abuse:
- physical abuse;
- emotional abuse;
- sexual abuse;
- neglect;
- bullying;
- cyberbullying;
- domestic violence;
- radicalisation;
- child sexual exploitation;
- female genital mutilation;
- forced marriage;
- grooming;
- hate crimes;
- mate crime;
- modern slavery;
- teenage relationship abuse;
- trafficking;
- gangs and youth violence; and
- prevent.
Appendix B - Safeguarding Protocol
- If a disclosure is made, remember never to promise the young person confidentiality and let them know that things may need to be passed on in order to protect them.
- Listen to the young person, do not ask leading questions and try not to ask a child to repeat themselves. All safeguarding / CP concerns to be recorded in writing and sent to the Lead; the time & date of the conversation also needs to be recorded.
- If someone other than the Lead receives the initial report, they must inform the Lead immediately. If the Lead is unavailable, the Chair will be informed. The Committee member who initially receives the report must not investigate the matter further.
- The Lead or Chair will make an initial assessment of the information provided. The Lead may need to seek advice from the local authority children’s social care and should make it clear that this is not a request for a formal referral at this stage. The discussion will help decide what further action is necessary.
- If a child is in immediate danger, the police should be contacted directly. Otherwise, the Lead or Chair (or the person making the referral if different) should make a formal referral to the local authority children’s social care.
- The Lead or Chair will inform the parents/guardians/carers of the child concerned that a referral is being made, unless it is suspected that they are the likely abuser or that telling them might place the child at risk of further harm. This discussion should be held in such a way that it does not prejudice any subsequent investigation.
- The Lead or Chair will keep a written record of the discussion with parents/guardians/carers, whether or not they are told that a referral is being made. If it is decided not to inform parents/guardians/carers, the reasons for this decision should be recorded.
- If the child is believed to be at risk of significant harm, the Lead or Chair will discuss with the local authority children’s social care how to tell the child that a referral is being made, unless that is likely to place the child at increased risk of harm.
- If a referral is made, the Lead or Chair will also discuss with the local authority children’s social care whether a strategy discussion or meeting is necessary to plan any investigation.
- The Lead or Chair will ensure that a written record of the referral is kept, including any advice given by the local authority children’s social care and the reasons for the decision to make the referral. This record should be stored confidentially and securely.